The teen years can be trying for both you and your child. We help pre-teens and teens navigate this challenging stage and build stronger relationships with family and friends.

Therapy for Pre-Teens/Tweens

Pre-teens are undergoing extreme change in both their bodies and their world. Add in social media, peer pressure, academic stress, and body image issues, and it’s not surprising to see many tweens struggle with anxiety, depression, and relationships. Through both creativity and talk, we explore their developing logic and insight, laying the groundwork for better coping skills, healthier friendships, and stronger family connections.

Pre-teens aren’t the only ones in transition—your parenting is as well. We have found that combining one-on-one sessions with parent or family sessions results in the most positive and lasting outcomes.

A depressed adolescent girl laying on a bed looking at her phone.
A group of Calabasas teenagers sitting on a bench and giving the peace sign.

Therapy for Teenagers

As teens move past the middle school years, they continue to experience biological and hormonal shifts while facing mounting academic and social pressures, from applying to college to forming romantic relationships. At the same time, they’re trying to figure out who they are and where they belong. Some teens seem to sail through this stage with ease, while others struggle and begin to withdraw, act out, experience panic, or feel alone.

In individual therapy sessions, we help teens build their confidence as they learn how to cope with challenges and manage stressful situations. In parent or family sessions, we help family members connect with their teen as a resource and guide, giving them space to own their choices, make and learn from their mistakes, and begin to define themselves and their values.